Okay I know eating in the car doesn’t seem that fun! Once you have children eating in the car while your little one is asleep is the BEST! After running some errands I went to Chop Salad in Glendale (great salads) and drove home with my 7 month old. We got home and she was asleep and I definitely did not want to disrupt her nap but I also wanted to eat in peace. So I parked and ate my salad while watching a movie in my car. She gave me just enough time to eat my salad and woke up right after. Thank You baby A!
When you become a mom, eating at times can be put on hold or you eat your food cold! NOPE! Not here! Even with my oldest and now my 7 month old, I make sure they are fed first or I do what they need me to do and then I sit down and enjoy my nice warm meal. My oldest (She’s 6 going on 14) she knows better than to disrupt me when I’m eating. She needs something, “YOU NEED TO WAIT UNTIL IM DONE!” Now if it’s an emergency then of course I’d stop eating. I need to remind my oldest most times cause that girl is always needing something or always wants momma to do it!

I promise I don’t neglect my kids! That is why I do everything they need to me do before I sit down and eat! So me eating in the car, was a win win for baby A and me! Let’s be honest, eating in the car can be pretty peaceful when you are Mom. Often times I also eat on the go because to me that is also peaceful eating.
Mommas we can’t neglect ourselves! Especially my single mommas out there I know it gets tough and stressful but taking time to ourselves helps fill our own cup even if that means eating and watching a movie in the car while your little one naps!
Cheers to eating in the car!