Postpartum weight loss journey for me has been very difficult and sometimes feels unattainable. I don’t bounce back like many of these women out here, who go right back to their pre-baby weight. With my first born, Maliah it took me almost 5 years to get back to my pre – baby weight! I was there and then BOOM! I find out I am pregnant again! It was bittersweet cause a baby is a blessing but also it took me forever to get my body back! Although my baby is here and 7 months, I still have mixed emotions regarding that

We are now 7 months postpartum and I have 15 pounds to go! Sometimes I feel a little thinner, my stomach is looking a little flatter and then my 6 year old daughter tells me I have a “food baby” or “why does it look like I still have Analiah in my belly.” Thanks baby such a confidence boost! It definitely hurts my feelings cause I have always had an issue with my weight, I have an issue with working out and I have had an issue with eating healthy. Makes a lot of sense! I had to have a talk with Maliah and let her know that words can hurt people and we have to think before we say things!
A lifestyle change is what I need! I do feel like the attempt is there but making more of an effort is key. I don’t need a diet, or change my habits for a short amount of time but a change that is continuous. I also have to find an alternative to my emotional eating. When I am down, sad or just out of it I tend to overeat on sweets and chips. This season of my life has definitely had more of its lows than highs but I promise I am pushing through. Growing up in a household where we started diets every Monday is definitely detrimental and builds negative lifestyle habits but of course our household did not know any better.
So things that I have implemented to help me along with my postpartum weight loss journey are
- Taking walks – I’ve never a been a cardio/running type of girl so walking is on top of my list!
- Finding Your Thing that gets you Moving – for me this is Pilates and I try to implement this about 3-4 times a week
- Eating health during the week (although I really have to work on my snacks) – My go to these days are chicken breast, white rice and zucchini and cherry tomatoes
- Limiting the times we eat out or changing it up! – Weekends I usually do not cook (I mean weekdays is a struggle too). Eating out is our go too! I began to look at healthier options and found a Chop Salad place in Glendale which I love! Surprisingly Maliah loves salads too !
- Being compassionate with myself – Often times I have to remind myself to be kind to myself and my journey as a mother, and a woman. We put our bodies through a lot when having a baby that after care most times goes unnoticed. I takes our bodies about a full year to heal after having a baby.
Ladies I know postpartum weight loss is hard but YOU are doing a great job, YOU are beautiful, YOU are loved and YOU are appreciated MAMA!