Returning to school can be scary and stressful to think about. Like many, I returned to school a month after I had my oldest daughter. I was a first-time mom, a single mom, and I added another stressor, but I knew I had to take the chance. It took me four years to get my master’s degree. Fast forward 6 years later, I am back in school for a second master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, a single mom of now two girls, a 7 and 1 year-old. Often, we think to ourselves, how can we possibly do it?
Ladies, I want you to know that it is never too late! It’s never too late to go to school, change careers, or want to further your education or finances. Finances and more time are why I chose MFT; it allows me to work from home and continue to provide for my girls.
Now, let’s get to it! Here are 7 Tips to help you juggle Grad school and Mommy-hood
- Time Management
This is huge! I struggled and still struggle to stick to a schedule for school. I’ve learned that carving out time when my girls are asleep or with their dads works best for me—usually anywhere 2-3 daily.
2. Support System
The saying It takes a village to raise kids is so TRUE! And I am grateful for mine! My parents, especially my mom, help me tremendously with pick-ups and after-school care. That system is crucial for overall success in school and personal life.
3. Communication with Instructors
Meeting your instructors via Zoom or email is crucial for your academic success. I want to disclose that I am a single mom of two girls who works full-time. This creates a report and an understanding of your professor. Life is hard, and juggling several things can be difficult. Most oftentimes, professors understand our obligations aside from being a student.
4. Quality time with your children
This is important. Many parents, including myself, lose themselves to social media, and we tend to neglect our kids. As a mom-student, spending time with our little ones is key to continuing to build a relationship and working on our goals. I’ve learned that quality time is better than quantity when spending time with our kids. It can be an hour of your undivided attention on your little ones rather than 3 hours of dedicating partial time.
5. Study Space
Having a designated study space is essential. This motivates me; I am less distracted and can easily focus on the task.
6. Self – Care
This may look different for everyone. For some, it may be working out, reading, walking, meditating, or watching a movie. Do something that brings you joy, peace, and comfort.
7. Get up and Move
Whether working out, walking, Pilates, or yoga, simply moving is essential for our health and minds. Again, it doesn’t have to be an hour a day; it is more than enough if you only have 15 minutes to spare.
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